01 August 2005


So, one of the jobs on my "Summer Todo List" was/is to organize my mess of clothes. I want to clean house and donate all the clothes I'm never going to wear anymore. Easier said than done...Since I've been many shapes and sizes over the past 5 years or so, I've accumulated quite a mass of clothes, also all shapes and sizes. I have pants - blue, black, olive green, khaki - in sizes 8-16. I have shirts and sweaters from M-XL. I have dresses and work clothes for all ranges too. So, my task was/is to go through the clothes, REALLY get rid of the things I haven't worn for the past 3 years (going to GoodWill), and organize things by size, in large storage containers.

But, why don't I just get rid of all the clothes that no longer fit me? Well, I aim to get back to that size 8, so don't want to give them away in case that happens anytime soon :P I don't want to dispose of the larger sizes either in case of pregnancy #2, if and when that may ever happen. So, organize I must.

I started with my pants. I have WAY too many pairs of pants. I have a large storage container now for each size: 16/pregnancy, 14, 12, 8 (I'm currently wearing the 10s, so they aren't in containers). The containers fit nicely at the top of my closet... nice and organized!

I'm 1/2 way done organizing my work clothes. Out of all the dresses hanging in my closet, I happily put about 1/3 of them in my GoodWill pile. I haven't gone through them in years and there were a lot of old things there! Yay!

Next I need to tackle my sweaters and sweatshirts. Many of them have "sentimental" value to them as I've had them since high school and college and can't bear to part with them. Most of the sentimental value items are things I will most likely not wear again. So, what to do? Do I put them in a storage box at the top of my closet for the sake of keeping them just to take out and look at every once and awhile, or do I give them to GoodWill? Hrm, since I'm a packrat, I'm sure I'll keep them.

Some days I wish life were like Star Trek when everyone wears the same uniform all the time. I wouldn't have to waste my time thinking and writing about clothes!

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